The research papers in this issue address different aspects of the interconnected topics of satisfaction with residence and local government using various methods. The first paper addresses how satisfaction with public services and trust in local government affect community satisfaction in rural South Korea. The second proposes using Twitter to evaluate public services in Indonesia. The third explores satisfaction with apartment living in Pakistan, using both a survey and in-depth interviews. Media credibility is discussed in a research note based on the results of focus group discussions.
- Editor's NoteEditor in chief John Kennedy ponders whether it is better for journal articles to be short, focused, and easy to read or more developed, but less carefully read.
- Research ArticleA survey of residents in rural Korea found trust in local government had a mediating effect between public service satisfaction and community satisfaction, while public safety also influenced it directly.
- Research ArticleEvaluation of public services through translating Twitter mentions into scores is possible as an alternative or to supplement survey data, according to a study from Indonesia.
- Research ArticleDespite being satisfied with the infrastructural aspects of the building, residents of apartments in Lahore, Pakistan do not prefer vertical living over horizontal housing according to a survey.
- Research NoteFocus group interviews with 72 randomly selected media and communication students in Pakistan found that students perceived biased, inaccurate, and unethical reporting from TV channels in Pakistan